Jérémy Wicquart, PhD
Marine Ecologist, GCRMN
The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) is on a mission: to provide the world with the most comprehensive scientific understanding of coral reef health. GCRMN is an operational network of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), operating through 10 regional nodes. This network, comprised of scientists, managers, and organizations, monitors coral reefs worldwide. Key to this effort is the work of marine ecologists like Jérémy Wicquart, who analyzes data on temporal trends, disturbance, and resilience to inform conservation and management strategies.
“I really like the idea of working with different collaborators all over the world,” explains Dr. Jérémy Wicquart, a marine ecologist and a global data analyst. “We all have one part of the truth – when you combine all these minds together, it's easier to understand how coral reefs are working on a global scale.”
We all have one part of the truth – when you combine all these minds together, it's easier to understand how coral reefs are working on a global scale.
To help develop this understanding, Jérémy pulls together data on coral reefs around the world. He currently works as the Technical Coordinator of the GCRMN, an operational network of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) that provides information on the status and trends of coral reef ecosystems to support their conservation and management.
Using MERMAID enables Jérémy and the GCRMN to collate large amounts of coral reef data, aggregating from national to regional, and then to a global level. The platform lets him combine big-picture thinking with specialized, local information at ground level. “This is very important for me,” he explains, “because I'm a data analyst, so I don't have the local expertise of managers who are going into the field on a daily basis; discussing with those people helps me better understand the complexity of coral reefs.”
The importance of data in coral conservation
“Data make it possible for us to identify the main threats that are causing ecosystems to change,” explains Jérémy, “and the extent to which this change is occurring.” He cites the example of recent bleaching events and sudden reductions in coral cover, noting that “when you identify these threats, it's easier to take action; to talk to policymakers and tell them we must take urgent action to stop the global decline.”
To the present day, the GCRMN has collected 150 datasets of coral reef monitoring data from around 300 contributors (see gcrmndb_benthos). Pulling all this information together presents a major challenge in terms of standardization. According to Jérémy, “people use their own species lists, data formats, their own units of variables and so on… and this limits the possibility of producing synthesis.” Impactful reporting requires a large, standardized, and synthetic data set, which does not currently exist at the global scale.
To fill the gap, Jérémy collates a broad range of different data sources, which can be a long and arduous process. “You have to contact people, ask them if they are happy to contribute their data to produce a report,” he explains, “so the actual data analysis is not the most time-consuming part.” Using MERMAID makes it possible for Jérémy to spend less time on data collection and standardization.
Discover the latest findings on the Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2025. Explore Jeremy's global analysis and learn how you can contribute your own data to support future reports. | ||
MERMAID: Solutions for collation and standardization
Faced with these challenges of data collection and standardization, Jérémy turned to MERMAID for a solution. Using MERMAID has helped to ease the load, leaving Jérémy more time to focus on global analysis. “That’s why MERMAID is important for me,” he explains, “because it can handle data collation and standardization. I can just go on the platform and use the interactive map, and (it shows me) where are the places with reef monitoring data. This makes it much easier.” Integrating a dataset, which used to take Jérémy several hours, now takes just 10-15 minutes with MERMAID.
Tune in to Episode 41 of Planet Beyond podcast to hear MERMAID co-founder Emily Darling, PhD discuss with Jérémy the critical work of the GCRMN and the power of data in coral reef conservation. Available now! | ||
In addition to the availability and centralization of data, Jérémy believes standardization is a key benefit provided by MERMAID. “Because data are all formatted the same way, it's very easy for me to download.” Other features of the platform enable him to format this information for his purposes. “I have an R script to standardize the MERMAID format to the GCRM format,” he explains, “and I can reuse this R script for all MERMAID projects that I would like to include within my analysis. So it's very powerful.”
Jérémy has also noticed that, in the past, field data would often feature inconsistencies and errors in species names or coral categories, due to the many variables and time constraints involved in gathering the information. By contrast, data in MERMAID is already cleaned and calibrated in a way that resolves these issues. “In MERMAID, I think it's not really possible [to make such mistakes] because you have some quality control steps,” says Jérémy, who has seen an improvement in the accuracy and consistency of data he receives. “For me, the quality of the data is better when people are using MERMAID.” MERMAID’s standardized data format dramatically simplifies Jérémy’s workflow, reducing the workload from the tedious process of data cleaning.
For me, the quality of the data is better when people are using MERMAID.
From inspiration to impact
Jérémy can trace his interest in coral reefs back to his teenage years, when he would go diving with his father on the French island of Martinique in the Caribbean. It was here that he first experienced a connection to these ecosystems and the life they support. “I was fascinated by the graceful swimming of a green turtle,” he remembers. “It was like a little bit of magic. From that moment, I decided to work on coral reefs.”
Through his extensive data analysis for the GCRMN, Jérémy is able to shine a light on the challenges faced by organisms living in coral reefs. “I think the main role of the GCRMN is to highlight and document the decline in coral cover,” he explains. “But this is just the first step. The next step is to analyze why this is happening, so we can go to policymakers and say, ‘you have to take these measures to protect coral in your region.’”
For Jérémy, this message carries more weight when it is anchored in collaboration and scientific consensus. “That’s why I really like the idea of working with members of the scientific community from all over the world,” he explains, “the fact we are able to work together gives me some hope for the future of coral reef conservation.” With tools like MERMAID, Jérémy and the GCRMN are empowering scientists and policymakers to make informed decisions, offering a beacon of hope for the future of coral reefs. Join the growing community of researchers and conservationists using MERMAID to unlock the power of data and make a real impact. Try MERMAID for free today and discover how it can accelerate your coral reef research.