Enter Fund Indicators F8-F10

For Fund Indicators F8, F9, F10, data is disaggregated by business or finance solution.

Businesses / Finance solutions

You will enter each business or finance solution from your GFCR Programme separately and disaggregated by sector.

For each business or finance solution:

  1. Go to '+ Add finance solution' to add a new business or finance solution.

  2. Enter name of solution in the 'Finance solution / business name' field.

  3. Select sector type for solution from dropdown options in the 'Sector' field.

    Here the revised list of sectors for businesses and finance solutions:


    Sustainable Ocean Production

    Fisheries / Aquaculture / Mariculture / Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries / Marine Biotechnology Products / Other

    Sustainable Coastal Development

    Ecotourism / Coastal Infrastructure / Coral Restoration Revenue Models / Other

    Circular Economy and Pollution Management

    Sustainable Infrastructure / Waste Management / Pollution Mitigation / Other

    Financial Mechanisms

    Blue Carbon Credits / Biodiversity Credits / Resilience Credits / Insurance Mechanisms / Conservation Trust Fund / MPA User Fee / Other

  4. In the 'Used an incubator?' field, choose 'Yes: GFCR-funded', 'Yes: non-GFCR-funded' or 'No' to indicate whether an incubator was used for development and identify its funding source.

    If your Programme has developed a GFCR-funded incubator or accelerator, please enter the incubator or accelerator itself as a solution, as well as each business or financial solution it supports individually.

    If your business or finance solution utilized an incubator before the start of the GFCR Programme, you should select 'No' for this field—unless the business or finance solution is also using a GFCR-funded incubator during the Programme period.

    If your GFCR Programme includes a GFCR-funded incubator or accelerator, it should be reported as a separate finance solution. However, when reporting investment and revenue for the incubator or accelerator, do not aggregate the investments and revenues of the businesses or finance solutions it supports. Instead, report only the investments and revenues generated directly by the incubator or accelerator, such as from service provision.

    It is important to ensure that incubators, accelerators, or technical assistance facilities (TAFs) are designed to become financially sustainable by the end of the Programme, with revenue generation as a key objective.

  5. Choose 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate whether the solution is a local enterprise in the 'Local enterprise' field.

  6. Choose 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate whether the solution uses the Gender 2x Criteria in the 'Gender 2x Criteria' field.

    Each business / financial solution should be well-acquainted with the Gender 2X Challenge and its Criteria. An assessment can be conducted to determine whether the solution meet these Criteria thresholds here.

    While GFCR does not mandate a 2X Certification, it expects businesses and financial solutions to strive toward meeting these standards and to evaluate their alignment with the 2X criteria.

  7. Select all sustainable finance mechanisms that apply to the business / finance solution in the 'Sustainable finance mechanisms' field. One solution may have several mechanisms.

  8. Identifying the cycle stage (e.g., launch, growth, maturity) of each business or finance solution is important and can be documented in the 'Notes' field for each entry, as well as in the annual narrative report. This would give more context for determining its success against investments and revenues.

You will have access to a list of all the businesses and financial solutions added on the 'Businesses / Finance Solutions' page. You can make changes to this list at any time.

As new solutions are added to the Programme, include them in your subsequent reports.

Enter Fund Indicators F8-F10

Add each business / finance solution in your GFCR Programme disaggregated by sector.
Add each business / finance solution in your GFCR Programme disaggregated by sector.


The GFCR Programmes categorize investments into three distinct stages: anticipated, committed, and secured.

Secured – investment funds transferred and are with the Convening Agents.

Committed – contract or agreement signed but funds have not yet been transferred. There is a formal obligation to provide funding for a certain period, but the funds have not been deployed yet.

Anticipated – funding expected or planned to occur in the future and discussions are underway, but no formal agreement has been signed.

Convening agents should report only secured or committed funds in MERMAID as data for Fund Indicators F 8.1, F 8.2, F 8.3 or F 9.1 – meaning that there is a signed agreement or the funds have already been received. Anticipated funds can be reported in the annual narrative reports.

You will enter both committed or secured investments for each business / finance solution from your GFCR Programme separately and disaggregated by investment source (i.e., GFCR, philanthropy, private, public) and type.

For each business or finance solution:

  1. Go to '+ Add investment' to add a new investment for a solution.

  2. In 'Business / Finance solution name', choose the solution from the list of businesses and finance solutions previously created. Remember, you will report investments for each solution.

  3. Choose the source from the dropdown options (i.e., GFCR, Philanthropy, Private and Public) in the 'Investment source' field.

    If a solution receives investment from multiple sources (e.g., both GFCR and private), you will need to enter each investment separately for this solution (e.g., once for the GFCR investment and once for the private investment).

  4. Choose the type from the dropdown options in the 'Investment type' field.

    If a solution receives multiple types of investment from a single source (e.g., a grant and technical assistance from GFCR), you will need to enter each type separately under that specific investment source for the solution—for example, once for the grant and once for the technical assistance from GFCR.

  5. Enter the accumulated investment amount in the 'Investment amount' field.

Remember to report committed or secured investments as cumulative totals across all reporting periods since the start of the GFCR Programme. If there are no new investments for a given report, simply enter the last reported investment amounts.

  1. If available, please add cumulative anticipated investment amounts to the "Notes" section and ensure they are included in your annual narrative reports.

You will have access to all the investments listed on the 'Investments' page. You can modify these entries at any time.

Enter Fund Indicators F8-F10

Add each investment disaggregated by source and type for individual businesses / finance solutions in your GFCR Programme.
Add each investment disaggregated by source and type for individual businesses / finance solutions in your GFCR Programme.


For your GFCR Programme, you will enter the revenues for each business or finance solution separately, disaggregated by revenue type. Revenues for individual businesses or finance solutions should be reported independently and only once to prevent double counting.

For each business or finance solution:

  1. Go to '+ Add revenue' to add a new revenue stream for a solution.

  2. In 'Business / Finance solution name', choose the solution from the list of businesses and finance solutions previously created. Remember, you will report revenues for each solution.

  3. Choose the type from the dropdown options in the 'Revenue type' field.

    If a solution receives revenues from multiple streams (e.g., both biodiversity offsets and blue bonds), you will need to enter each revenue stream separately for this solution (e.g., once for the biodiversity offsets and once for blue bonds).

  4. Choose 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate whether the revenue is sustainable in the 'Sustainable revenue stream' field.

  5. Enter the accumulated revenue amount for the reporting period in the 'Revenue amount' field.

Be sure to report revenues as cumulative totals across all reporting periods since the start of the GFCR Programme. If there are no new revenues for a given report, simply enter the last reported revenue amounts.

You will have access to all the revenues listed on the 'Revenues' page. You can modify these entries at any time.

If your GFCR Programme has a GFCR-funded incubator or accelerator, it is highly recommended to track and report on solutions even after they exit your GFCR-funded incubator or accelerator. Doing so helps demonstrate the long-term impact and return on investment beyond the initial funding period. By monitoring post-incubation success, you can attract further investment opportunities and showcase the added value of the solutions, which is crucial for sustaining growth and scaling beyond 2030.

Enter Fund Indicators F8-F10

Add each revenue stream disaggregated by type for individual businesses / finance solutions for your GFCR Programme.
Add each revenue stream disaggregated by type for individual businesses / finance solutions for your GFCR Programme.