Global Fund for Coral Reefs

MERMAID has been chosen as the digital tool to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) programs.

The Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) is a global partnership that aims to mobilize resources to support reef-positive businesses and promote coral reef conservation and restoration around the world (see Theory of Change). MERMAID is used by the GFCR to obtain summaries of coral reef health indicators, to support the programs in collecting baselines, and to monitor progress toward targets with bi-annual reports and final evaluations.

MERMAID integrated a  standardized GFCR M&E Framework to support the GFCR programs, enabled by a single click.

Enable the GFCR indicators

To be able to access the GFCR indicators, you must enable it first by clicking the “Enable GFCR Indicators for this project” button on the Project Info Page under the Admin section. After you click the button, a GFCR page will appear under the Admin section on the left menu bar.

Mengaktifkan Indikator GFCR.

Add your target GFCR indicators

Create a new set of GFCR indicators on the GFCR Page as targets for your project. Go to the Project Info Page by clicking on the “Go to GFCR Indicators” button or directly by clicking on the GFCR Page under the Admin section on the left menu bar. You can create as many targets as needed for your GFCR projects.

Akses Halaman GFCR melalui Halaman Project Info dengan mengklik tombol "Go to GFCR Indicators".

Once you’re on the GFCR Page, you can start adding your GFCR Indicators by clicking on the “+ Create new” button, then click on “Target”. After filling in the Title and Reporting Date, click on the “Create Indicator Set” button.

Membuat seperangkat indikator GFCR yang baru.

The GFCR Monitoring & Evaluation Framework has 10 Fund Indicators and 36 component indicators for reporting (see the Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit). All indicators are available in MERMAID for you to  fill in. MERMAID also provided help text for each component indicator to assist you with filling in each field. Simply click on the ‘i’ icon next to the component indicator or click on the “Show Help” on the top right to show all the help texts for all component indicators.

Lihat teks bantuan untuk setiap indikator komponen dengan mengeklik ikon 'i' di samping setiap indikator komponen atau tombol "Show Help" di sebelah kanan atas untuk menampilkan semua teks bantuan.

Create a report of GFCR indicators

MERMAID also supports reporting your GFCR project progress. The steps are very similar to creating your target  GFCR indicators but instead of clicking the “Target” button, click on the “Report” button on the GFCR Page. You can create as many reports as needed for your GFCR projects.

Buat laporan GFCR Anda dengan mengklik tombol "Report" pada Halaman GFCR.

The GFCR indicators are available once you create the report form. Fill in the progress data for each component indicator, just like for your targets, then click the “Save” button.

MERMAID will automatically add your coral reef health indicators from the ecological data you entered in the same project.

Masukkan informasi dan data yang diperlukan berdasarkan indikator, lalu klik "Save" untuk menyimpan.

View GFCR projects on MERMAID Global Dashboard

To view all projects tagged with Global Fund for Coral Reefs:

1. Go to the MERMAID dashboard

2. Select the 'filter' icon on the left toolbar

3. Filter organization to 'Global Fund for Coral Reefs'

To learn more about the Global Fund for Coral Reefs, visit the GFCR webpage

If you have questions regarding MERMAID, contact us when online.